(Click here to download a PDF version of the Couse Outline.)
Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Phone: Web: Email: |
Terry Reynoldson 646 By appointment. TBA http://www.functionalstone.com/241/ terryreynoldson@yahoo.ca |
Location: Dates: Time: |
Art Building, Room 743 Mondays & Wednesdays, September 10 to December 5, 2012 (but not Thanksgiving Day on October 8, or Remembrance Day on November 12) from 1:00 to 3:30 pm |
Text | You are not required to purchase a textbook. Selected readings and podcasts will be assigned throughout the term. |
Prerequisites | None |
Course Description | Basic theory and practice of drawing, involving mainly still life and figure projects in monochromatic media. |
Course Content, Objectives | 2D-Art Lessons will provide students with the tools, both conceptual and technical, to investigate the activity of drawing. The goal is to prepare students for future research and production in senior-level studio courses. As such, seven projects will be assigned. These projects will explore the activity of drawing as it relates to:
Upon satisfactory completion of the course, the student will demonstrate: understanding of drawing-related vocabulary and concepts; growth in skill in the handling of drawing-related art materials and processes; awareness of, and appreciation for the role of drawing-related activities in society. |
Course Activities | Activities will include lectures, group critiques, studio demonstrations, participation in hallway displays and gallery visits. Students may also be required to participate in other departmental activities such as attending lectures by visiting speakers and other events connected to the Art Department's "Little Gallery". |
Course Policy | Course policy is consistent with the Department of Art and the University of Calgary Calendar for 2010-2012. Students are responsible for familiarizing themselves with University regulations. |
Critiques | These are an extremely important aspect of the course. FULL PARTICIPATION IN GROUP CRITIQUES IS ESSENTIAL! |
Assessment | There is no final examination in this course. Marks are based on term work and class participation and will depend on the following: FORMAL:
Supplies | Click the following link to find a partial list of Necessary Supplies A complete list of supplies for this course will depend to a large degree on your choice of materials for several of the assignments, but you should be prepared to spend approximately $200 in total (similar to the cost of textbooks for most other courses on campus). There is an art store located in the Art Building next to the office (store hours are posted on the door). The Bookstore in MacEwan Student Centre also sells art supplies, as do several other shops around town (look up "Art Supplies" in the Yellow Pages). Some materials will be available through the Wood Shop during regular business hours, or at hardware stores such as Home Depot and Rona. Occasionally, costs can be reduced considerably by collecting materials from home, work, friends and family. |
Models | In some Fine Arts classes students are expected to draw from nude models. It is expected that students electing not to draw/paint from the nude model must notify their professor in writing of their choice and then make alternate arrangements to complete the work. |
Portfolios and Assignments | The Department of Art will not assume responsibility for lost or stolen portfolios or Projects given to instructors for grading, or for work posted on bulletin boards in the Art building. ALL UNCLAIMED WORK WILL BE DISPOSED OF TWO WEEKS AFTER THE END OF CLASSES. |
Lockers | Lockers are administered by Students' Union. Please check the Master Timetable. There are various shapes and sizes of lockers for rent Please write down a range of bar code numbers (top left of each locker) for the locker shape that you require, and bring this with you to the SU office, MSC 251, between 8:30-4:30 M-F. Lockers must be vacated by the end of term. To rent a locker on-line: 1. Go into "My U of C", and under "Academics" and then "Enrollment" click on "Locker Reservations" |
Advising | Academic advising is available at the Student Success Centre located on the third floor of the Taylor Family Digital Library. Call 220-5881 or email success@ucalgary.ca |
Academic Standing | Students should familiarize themselves with the sections of the University Calendar that deal with Academic Standing, including grading, unsatisfactory standing, examinations, and deferrals as well as the sections on Reappraisals and Appeals and Student Misconduct. Questions or concerns about anything students read in this material should be directed to the Associate Dean Academic, CHD 100 or 220-7834. |
Academic Accommodation Awareness Information for Students with Disabilities | It is a student“s responsibility to request academic accommodation. If you are a student with a disability who may require academic accommodation and have not registered with the Disability Resource Centre, please contact the office at 403-220-8237 or drop in at MacEwan Student Centre 293 (across from The Store). Your academic accommodation letters should be provided to your instructor no later than fourteen (14) days after the commencement of this course. Students who have not registered with the Disability Resource Centre are not eligible for formal academic accommodation. (The DRC works with students with learning and developmental challenges as well as those with physical disabilities) |
Plagiarism | A single offence of cheating, plagiarism, or other academic misconduct on term work, tests or final examinations, etc., may lead to disciplinary probation or a student's suspension or expulsion from the Faculty by the Dean, if it is determined that the offence warrants such action. Students must familiarize themselves with the definitions of terms of Academic Misconduct as described in the University Calendar or on-line at www.ucalgary.ca/pubs/calendar/current/ and bring any questions or concerns to their instructor. |
Course Outlines for Transfer Credit | It is possible that you will be asked for copies of this outline for credit transfers to other institutions or for proof of work done. It is the student's responsibility to keep these outlines and provide them to employers or other universities when requested. Please ensure that outlines of all the courses you take are kept in a safe place for your future reference. Departments / Programs do not guarantee that they will provide copies. |
SAFEWALK | Call 220-5333 anytime. Help phones are located throughout campus, parking lots & elevators. They connect directly to Campus Security; in case of emergency, press the red button. |
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Lessons & Projects
© 2025, Terry Reynoldson